Product Naming Services

We deliver high impact product names, memorable and durable in all your key markets...

Product Naming Analysis

Giving your product the edge over your competitors is key to its success. By applying our range of pre-naming analytic functions we can identify what makes your product different and convert that competitive difference into a brand name with a brand advantage. In knowing how names work linguistically and in the brand context, we can apply our knowledge to deliver a range of appropriate and validated product names with high impact, which are both memorable and durable in all your key markets.

A Unique Product Naming Service

We apply any of a range of linguistic theories to our names to give your product a head start in life.  For example, we can make a product name more memorable through its distribution of vowels and consonants; make the name fit the product at a deep linguistic, sound symbolic, level; make the product name more aesthetically appealing; or give it, like the Oyster Card, a spotlight in the mental lexicon by its near uniqueness. 

Visit our Case Studies for more information on our product naming clients.

We have developed a unique process over the years to produce the desired outcomes for clients. Watch our video below and get in touch to find out how we can make this work for you:

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